
Schneider Leaf Shutter Lenses

Medium Format Lenses by Phase One
Exceptional image capture begins with outstanding optics. Phase One's lenses are designed in collaboration with renowned German optics experts, Schneider Kreuznach, and built by Phase One using precision Japanese manufacturing. Designed for expanding digital camera technology, Schneider Kreuznach lenses enable and support the highest standard of professional photography.


Designed in Denmark

Danish design is known for functionalism, simplicity, and elegance. For over ten years, Phase One Denmark has led the design of the Phase One Camera System lenses, driving the finest engineering and manufacturing partners to create a higher standard of lens to support the creative ambitions of professional photographers.Your text here

German Optics Engineering

Schneider Kreuznach is a worldwide leader in optics and precision engineering. Building on a century of German optics expertise, the Schneider Kreuznach Blue Ring Lenses for the XF Camera are unmatched in quality, with a unique, individual, focus calibration for every lens.

Japanese High-Tech Manufacturing 

The manufacturing home of our lenses is Japan, where our lenses are built by hand. Each lens is handled from start to finish by a single expert who oversees that every component is flawlessly assembled.