
Tether Tools Cables & Adapters

Why Tethered Photography?

Images captured using a tethered photography workflow get saved directly onto your computer’s hard drive in the folder of your choice. Tethering software then displays the images on the larger computer or tablet screen as they are captured so you can see them clearly.

Tethering helps you get the perfect photo in fewer shots. Viewing images on a larger screen is a great way for you and your clients to spot issues with focus, lighting, posing or composition. You’ll spend less time editing and your clients can let you know the moment you’ve captured the shot they are looking for.

The Benefits of Shooting Tethered:

  • View images on a large monitor as you shoot
  • Instantly see images at full resolution
  • Check critical focus, composition, styling, etc.
  • Adjust lighting and camera settings more quickly and easily
  • Control camera settings and remote trigger from connected device
  • Share images with art director/client on site or remotely
  • Collaborate more effectively with assistants, stylists and subjects
  • Tag, rate, compare and share images while you shoot
  • Share images on multiple devices
  • Back up files to hard-drive while shooting
  • Move images from laptop to desktop in an instant
  • Reduce the chance of image loss

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