
Cambo AC-327 Reducer Ring 90mm - 75mm




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ex. VAT

£56.40 inc.VAT

£47.00 ex.VAT

£56.40 inc.VAT

£47.00 ex.VAT

90 to 75mm
Lens Hood

Cambo AC-327 Reducer Ring 90mm - 75mm

This AC-327 Reducer Ring allows you to mount the Sun Shade / Compendium AC-324 to the Rodenstock lenses Digaron 23 HR-S and Digaron 90 HR-SW and any other lens with a suitable 75mm diameter

Compatibility with lenses frequently used with Cambo:
Rodenstock Digaron 23 HR-S
Rodenstock Digaron 28 HR-S 
Schneider Apo-Digitar 210-T

Technical Info

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